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"Higher towards God, deeper in hearts, further on Earth!"

This motto is our roadmap, our vision for the group because we know deep within us that, I LOVE JESUS (ILJ) is more than a group, it is THE way of life that the Bible wants us to follow. First and foremost, we seek God’s will for our lives, to be warriors for Christ enlightened by the Holy Spirit!



ILJ is the youth group of Cornerstone church, open to young people aged 14 to 20. ILJ generally meets twice a month on Saturdays starting at 6:30 pm. For more information or eventual changes, please check our Facebook page.


Youth group meetings



On saturday evening



at Cornerstone

Prochaines réunions:



  • Week-end ZeRencontre 

        from June 3rd to 5th


  • Saturday, June 19th


  • Saturday, July 3rd

ILJ is a special time set apart for God in our routine schedules, a time to share in fellowship with friends during which we live powerful moments in the presence of God. ILJ exists and can only grow in knowledge of Jesus by the presence of each one of us.... by YOUR presence!


During our meetings, we eat, share, worship, pray and study God’s Word TOGETHER!

ILJ also organizes both spiritual and fun activities, events and even weekends for young people.


We would be delighted to see you soon among us,


May God bless you abundantly!

Contact us if you need more informations

© 2024, by Cornerstone Christian Fellowship - Vallauris - France. All rights preserved.

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